Lise Allin Insurance

Got Change?

Got Change?

Jonathan Clements | Feb 25, 2023

“I MESSED UP MY retirement planning—but I have few regrets.

I don’t know if or when I’ll fully retire. Arguably, I’ve been at least semi-retired for the past nine years. That’s how long I’ve gone without a fulltime job. On the other hand, during those nine years, I’ve continued to earn enough to cover my living costs and I’ve worked longer hours than at any time in my life, thanks mostly to that insatiable mistress known as HumbleDollar.

So, how did I mess up? I’ve reached age 60 with more money than I need for retirement. That might sound like bragging, but the frugality that got me here had a downside. I’ll never know for sure, but I may have enjoyed my working years more if I’d opened my wallet a tad wider, perhaps owning a more comfortable home, taking more lavish vacations and driving cars that were more reliable.”